Publication Assistance Awards

The purpose of the Publication Assistance Award is to help cover the cost associated with the publication of a scholarly work.

All Publication Award Applications are due within 30 days after the expense is paid. No exceptions!

Please read through the Publication Award Application Instructions

To apply, email the following documents as a single PDF to

  1. Publication Award Application

  2. GSA Award Coversheet

This Award will provide 50% of eligible costs associated with the publication as determined by the Conference Awards Committee.. Any current graduate student whose department is in good standing with GSA at the time that the costs were incurred may apply for a GSA Publication Assistance Award no later than 30 days following payment for the expenses.

A student may request this award only once per semester (Fall semester: July 1 to December 31; Spring semester: January 1 to June 30), and only once per publication. Application for this award will not impact the eligibility for any other GSA awards.

Original receipts for costs incurred must be submitted with the award application. Any documentation supporting the costs must be included (e.g. correspondence with the publisher about fees). In addition, you must submit a publisher's or editor's letter announcing acceptance of the publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my publication eligible?

In order to be eligible, it must be an academic publication in a variety of formats, including books, articles, software, or web-based publications. If you have a question about whether your publication is eligible, please email

Is my publication expense eligible?

Examples of eligible publication expenses include manuscript submission fees, author offprint fees, indexing costs, and other costs charged to the graduate student author by the publisher. Costs associated with research towards the development of a publication are not eligible. Examples of such ineligible expenses include: travel to archives, reprint requests, laboratory supplies. If you have a question about whether your publication expense is eligible, please email